PAMIR 2007 - Motorcycle expedition to the roof of the Word

2007-08-29 - 2007-09-30
Team: Tomasz Dobrowolski (Suzuki dr650se) and Michal Gryzinski (Suzuki dr-z400s)

Pamir called the roof of the World is going to be the target of our challenge. The expedition will examine men and their motorcycles… and will give possibility to visit the land from central Europe to central Asia, from green Kaspian depress thru the Kyzyl-Kum desert and Kirgiz steps to the high mountains of Hindukusz, Karakorum and Tien-Szan.

Statistic of the expedition:
- 6 coutries – Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhsan, Usbekistan, Tajikistan and Kirgizstan
- 3 seas - Black, Azov and Kaspian
- 3 lakes - Aral, Kara-Kul and Yssyk-Kul
- the highest point - more than 4800 m close to the Pik Komunizma
- the distance - 6500 km

The motorcycles will be specially prepared for this long journey, the fuel tanks will be replaced with bigger ones, luggage carriers will be added. Additionally, extra repair tools, motorcycle spare parts, oil and fluids, wheel repair kits, and reserve fuel tanks will be taken. Prepared for lack of hotels and field conditions, the team will be equipped with a tent, sleeping bags, gas cooker, food and water reserve for few days. Also some climbing equipment (rope, shackles) might be necessary. Compass and maps will be of course indispensable.

Patronat medialny wyprawy: Portal Podróżnika bezdroza.pl

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